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Occasional Care

Our Occasional Child Care is designed for children ages 18 to 36 months.  This 3-hour program operates from 9:30 to 12:30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  You can enroll for 2-3 days per week.  The program is open September through June. The program is closed in July, August and briefly during Winter and Spring breaks.


This program is one of very few being offered in the west side of Vancouver.  It is great for parents wanting a few hours each day to run errands or look after a younger sibling while also knowing your child is in good hands learning and having fun.​  For children, it is a great introduction to early socializing and routine learning. Many children transition to our Preschool Program in September for the school year after they turn 3. 



We work in partnership with families to nurture each child’s individual development. Our play-based setting creates opportunities to build skills in communication, social awareness, and intellectual development, as well as getting ready to enter more formal programs such as preschool and school.​


Program Components


  • Indoor and outdoor activities 

  • Literacy development  through story time

  • Facilitated play with qualified ECE staff

  • Music and Movement



Program Benefits


  • This program is aligned with our Centre’s Philosophy and the B.C Early Learning Framework with a focus on play-based approach. 

  • The 3 hour program will help children socialize in a small group setting and build on a variety of skills including language, fine and gross motor skills, sharing and turn taking.

  • Our qualified Early Childhood Education staff will plan programs which are developmentally-appropriate and ensure that children are engaged in a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Ratio of 1 adult to 4 children

  • Parents have time to catch up on other things, time to spend with younger siblings or other family members, while your child is engaged in a fun and stimulating environment. 

  • Licensed by the BC Community Care Facility Act for 12 children.

  • Children in this program get priority access to our Preschool program.



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register?

  • Contact the centre at (604) 732-8220 or by email at to register your interest.  If we have space we will happily assist you with registering your child for this exciting new program.


Do you have a wait list?

  • Yes, although we anticipate to fill space requests quickly with this program.


Does my child have to be toilet trained?

  • No, this program has diaper change facilities and will support your child through toilet training routines.


Can I visit the centre?

  • Yes, please contact the Centre Manager or the Occasional Care Coordinator to book an appointment.  Visiting hours are usually between 10am – 11am.


Do I need to leave a deposit?

  • You only need to leave a deposit if you receive confirmation of a space. No deposit is required to be added to our waitlist.


Do you take drop ins?

  • No we don’t take drop-ins.  However, members who are registered on Mondays who cannot attend due to school closure, we will open on the Friday to make up for the day.  We do not make up for Stat closures.  


If my child is attending the occasional care program do they get priority into the preschool?

  • Yes, members registered and attending in our occasional care program will get priority before children on our waitlist who are not attending.


Are the fees the same rate every month, even when the Centre is closed for Spring, Winter and Professional Days?

  • Yes, the fee schedule has been developed to be the same fee for each month, September to June, rather than a fee that adjusts up and down by month.  This is to assist in our administration and enables parents to plan their fee costs each month. 



Occasional Child Care Daily Routine


Here is a brief outline of the typical daily routine at the occasional care program.  


  9:30am     Arrival and morning activities (learning centres: blocks, puzzles, construction, art and craft)

10:35am     Scheduled toileting routine.  Wash hands and transition to snack

10:40am     Snack (from home)

11:00am     Literacy Circle 

11:15am     Outdoor Play (gross motor, balls skills, balance, running, jumping and climbing)

11:45am     Wash hands and transition indoors.  Reading time and quiet activities. Toileting routine

12:15pm     Music and Movement Circle

12:30pm     Home Time







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