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TOOSCS offers licensed child care spaces for children aged 30 months to 12 years old. Our programs are in-demand and we may not be able to accommodate all of the families who need care. While our goal is to provide child care for as many families as possible, our wait list does NOT operate on a “first come, first served basis.” 


Priority is given to current TOOSCS families and families who attend Trafalgar Elementary School.


When a space becomes available, we offer in the following order for each of our programs:


Preschool Teacher and Students

Note:  we have switched to two separate wait-list forms for School-Aged and Preschool programs.  Please follow the appropriate link below.

Enrollment Priorities: School-Aged Care


  1. Current full-time members returning for full-time care.

  2. Current part-time members returning for full-time care.

  3. Current part-time members returning for part-time care.

  4. Siblings of children currently enrolled in school-aged care at TOOSCS (as determined by the eldest enrolled sibling’s start date).

  5. Children who attended the TOOSCS Preschool or Occasional Care program (as determined by the child’s start date).

  6. All other children on our waitlist as determined by the child’s application date.


Please complete the School-Age Wait-List form to indicate an interest in registering your child at TOOSCS.


Other considerations that may affect the order in which spaces are offered:


  • To be eligible for School Age programs, children must be enrolled in Trafalgar Elementary School.

  • To support children with transition to the next age group, programs maintain a balance of children’s ages. As such this may impact the priority in which spaces are offered. For example, in our Earth group, we aim to have a constructive balance between children in Kindergarten and Grade 1.


Enrollment Priorities: Preschool


  1. Current full-time members returning for full-time care.

  2. Current part-time members returning for full-time care.

  3. Current part-time members returning for part-time care.

  4. Siblings of children currently enrolled in either Preschool or School-Aged Care at TOOSCS (as determined by the eldest enrolled sibling’s start date). 

  5. All other children on our wait-list as determined by the child’s application date.


Please complete the Preschool Wait-List form to indicate an interest in registering your child at TOOSCS.



Spaces in the next age group are not guaranteed. Furthermore, it is impossible for us to predict when spaces may become available. If you are offered a spot and choose to decline, your submission date will be updated to the current date, placing you at the bottom of the waitlist. Additionally, if your school-age child is not enrolled at Trafalgar Elementary, they will be removed from our waitlist.


We are governed by a Child Care Facilities License capacity at the Centre, and individual capacity in each program area. Due to the complex nature of our enrollment process, it is not possible to give individuals a specific determination of their position on the wait-list. Wait-list positions may fluctuate based on priority factors, the age of the child, and to achieve an appropriate balance in the individual program area.


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