We are doing everything in our power to continue our services at this difficult time for all parents, staff and children. Current changes include:
Our hours of operation are 8:00am to 5:45pm.
Occasional Care program is temporarily suspended.
Snacks are currently limited to food that requires less handling. Lunches are not provided on Professional Development days and winter, spring or summer camps. Children should bring their own.

Our Commitment
Our centre is following BC Centre for Disease Control guidelines for childcare. Full details can be viewed here. For frequently asked questions about operation of childcare centres, please refer to BC CDC web site. Here are some highlights:
Children are not currently required to wear masks, but are free to do so
We check children's temperature on arrival
Children are required to wash hands on arrival and at regular periods
We perform enhanced cleaning of the centre daily

Parent Responsibilities
Parents are not allowed inside the centre -- please ring the bell
Please submit the Health Check form when first attending
Do not bring child if they have any symptoms
Keep child at home after symptoms go away for BC CDC prescribed number of days
Wear a mask when picking and dropping off child
Pack snacks for your child
Please observe new operating hours

Drop-off Procedures
Parents must ring the door bell and wait for a staff member to open the door. Do not leave your child without completing a health screen check and signing in.
Please ensure your child has indoor shoes as outdoor shoes must be removed upon entering.
Staff will do a temperature check on your child and sign them in for you. Please let us know any important information about your child for the day.
Say goodbye to your children and make sure they have everything they need for the day. No belongings should be kept at the daycare aside from a change of clothes.
Staff will take your children in to the first hand washing sink.
Pickup Procedures
Ring the door bell or call us at (604) 732-8220.
Please do not enter; a staff member will open the door for you.
The staff member will make sure your child's hands are washed or sanitized before they leave.
Your children will collect all their personal belongings and meet you at the door.
Staff will sign your child out for the day.
Staff will share any relevant information with you about your children for the day.